Sunday, October 19, 2014

rajtki (1) & (2) - etchings, 2005

it spilled out; copperplate; 2004; 210x290 mm

there; drypoint; 2004

memory; intaglio; 2005

no title; intaglio; 2005; 60x205 mm

I'm not afraid; drypoint; 2003; 92x42 mm

feeling empty; drypoint; 2004; 103x120mm

Eve, drypoint; 2004; 70x175mm

to touch; copperplate; 228x163 mm; 2004

in the evening; drypoint; 2007; 215x116mm

the visit; drypoint; 2007; 107x119mm

the lack; drypoint; 2008; 132x118mm

childhood, drypoint, 2007; 120x134mm

Saturday, May 31, 2014

invitation to the opening of my 'beauty' exhibition

Am I beautiful? Do I feel this way? What needs to happen for me to feel beautiful? How much does it depend on me and how much on others?

It would be hypocritical to say that appearance does not play any role in our lives. How we are perceived by others, whether they consider us attractive or not, has an impact on a lot of things, more or less significant. At first glance, we automatically attribute more positive traits to attractive people than those who are considered ugly and it’s the first group who are endowed with greater fondness. Maybe this is the key to our desire to be beautiful.

What fascinates me is the diversity of perceptions of beauty, and how far can we go trying to achieve our personal ideal.


Czy jestem piękna? Czy taka się czuję? Co musi się wydarzyć, żebym poczuła się piękna? Ile zależy ode mnie, a ile od innych?

Hipokryzją byłoby twierdzenie, że wygląd nie gra w naszym życiu żadnej roli. To jak jesteśmy postrzegani przez innych, czy uznają nas za atrakcyjnych czy nie, ma wpływ na wiele rzeczy, bardziej i mniej znaczących. W pierwszym kontakcie osobom atrakcyjnym automatycznie przypisuje się więcej pozytywnych cech niż tym, którzy są uznani za brzydkich i to ci pierwsi zostają obdarzeni większą sympatią. Może w tym trzeba szukać klucza dla naszego pragnienia bycia pięknym.

To co mnie fascynuje, to różnorodność postrzegania piękna i to, jak wiele jesteśmy w stanie zrobić, próbując osiągnąć nasz osobisty ideał.

information under

N.N.; oil on panel; 128x178 mm; 2014

Anne...; oil on board; 127x160 mm; 2014

Markus... (2); pencil on paper; 200x212 mm; 2014

Markus...; pencil on paper; 350x305 mm; 2014

N.N.; 230x188 mm; pencil and watercolour on paper; 2014

Anne...; pencil on paper; 183x210 mm; 2014

Gerri; pencil on paper; 74x67 cm; 2014

Michelle...; mixed media on paper; 80x60,5 cm; 2014

Saturday, April 26, 2014

10 things the world doesn't need

every month in the 6020 magazine we show 10 things that the world really doesn't need. becouse 6020 is an austrian magazine, most things are related to the austrian (pop)culture, events and celebrities (but not only!) I usually have a great pleasure drawing it.

the first one was miley cyrus with her looooong tounge.....

then in november came headache from hot spiced wine, waiting for an appointment to change somber to winter tyre and 'last chrystmas' which you could hear everywhere...

in december there were untasty chocolates, mustaches and shirts wrapped 
with 17 pins.

in january we didn't need Sylvie van der Vaart:

and in march dancing stars...

in april there was bashing Conchita Wurst and Rainer Pariasek, who was 
everywhere on tv.

and...,-die-die-welt-in-diesem-monat-nicht-braucht/ but the previous version is my favourite ;)


some of my firsts illustrations I made for 6020 magazine, so it's quite old...

students life

another picture I made for Target Group. this time about students life... ;)

sugar in groceries

here is another set of illustrations made by me some time ago for Gesund in Tirol, a magazine about health. so if you didn't know how much added sugar contain the groceries, necessarily take a look!